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Spokane Wedding Expo Floor Plan 

Set up times for booths:
Establecimiento de horarios para cabinas:
Viernes 1 de enero, de 4 p.m. a 7 p.m.
Sábado 2 de enero, de 7 a. M. A 9 a. M.
Load-in for booths:
Use the doors on the east side of the DoubleTree Hotel, which are on the Convention Center side of the hotel. (Use the doors closest to the loading dock.) You may park temporarily in the area between the hotel and the Convention Center parking garage to unload, but you must move your car after load-in.
All single booths are 10' wide by 8' deep. Double booths are 20' wide by 8' deep.
All booths will have power, a 6' table with a tablecloth, and 1 chair.
Asignaciones de stand
BoothMap-55 booths-numbers-Vendor Names.jpg
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